Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Prototype 2.0 - coming soon

So, naturally, this post begins with an apology to all our readers for not posting in 2 YEARS !?!?! Life took over, we got really busy and my writing energies were directed elsewhere.

For some of you, this will be old news - but we have a new one joining us soon. By soon, I mean in a few days. I don't mean that flippantly, I mean that today is Wednesday and the little one will be with us on Saturday.

This one's been a rockier journey. Enzo had been a walk in the park compered to this guy. Due to stress and various other complications, Eileen has been under the watchful gaze of some of Boston's best OBGYN crews and they've guided, ushered and hauled us over the finish line with not a minute to spare. The first date that they are comfortable for the baby to see sunshine is Saturday - so we are booked and prepped for an 18th of October delivery.

For those that know, yes, that is only 3 days before Enzo's birthday. Being the elder brother by almost three years, I think this is the best age differential for kids. You're not too close that your climbing over eachothers worlds but you also have something in common.

The baby is a boy ! This seems to be a family tradition - at least for me. I'm the first born of the first born going back a ways and there seems to be an obvious lean toward the masculine in that family tree.

We also have a name - but I'll save the suspense for the official announcement...

I'll be writing more regularly now - so stay tuned.
If you get email updates, let others know that they can sign up on the website.

All of our love,
Sanjay and Eileen