Monday, August 22, 2011

Nursery, Phase 1

After the well earned break, it was time to get down to business. Time to start the nursery !
We planned, we designed - where you read 'we', insert 'Eileen'. Finally, it was time to start.

Moon, Baby Moon !!!

So, I had never heard of this. Apparently, the 'Hallmark' culture in the US has spawned something called a Babymoon. A chance for the expecting couple to get some well-deserved time alone before all the madness begins...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Don't give a man a fish, teach him to fish...

Frankly, today was not a good day...
Work, home, family, passions, past-times - with so many interests, it is difficult to always have a good day with all of them - but sometimes the hits come hard and fast - and for the past few weeks, the hits have just kept coming...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Artist formally known as AP !!!

Finally, mum to be (Eileen) and I sat down to have the big discussion !
The negotiations were long and furious, involving softly muttered annoyances in an English accent and loudly screamed insults in Spanish - I'll let you figure it out...
Anyway, cooler heads prevailed and we have reached an agreement that we are both delighted with... Advanced Prototype can now lay aside his grandiose title for something more becoming - he will forever be known as...