Sunday, August 5, 2012

Uncle Rohan and Aunty Megan !!!

It was so good to see Rohan and Megan during their world tour... Enzo was having a ball with them around.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Dinner time...

Only happy when he's feeding the floor...

Uncle - let's talk metaphysics...

Always glad to see Uncle Anush...

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Chillin at Home

Just a day chillin at home - with my minions running around fetching stuff for me...

A Tiger visits the Zoo...

A Day out at the Zoo... the other two are Enzo's cousins, Alejandra and Mateo.

Hey - hands off my hat !!!

A barbecue at Mit's place...

The Return of Enzo

Three months ??? Seriously... has it really been three months since my last post?
That just won't do... Okay, I had a lot of things going on for a while but it's time to catch up on photos and stuff. You'll see a whole rash of photos and then I'll get back to proper blogging...

Monday, April 16, 2012

First day of summer...

Weekend in the park...

Great Grandma...

Paqui is moderately happy holding the 3 kids !!!

New wheels...

Enzo moves from the infant seat to the regular stroller seat... think he likes it.

Just cos it's cute !!!

I know it's nothing to do with Enzo, but I just think this photo of Alejandra waking up is hilarious...

Cousins Photo Shoot... (funny)

Lorenzo and Mateo pose nice and peacefully for the photos.
(Note: Ratio of Enzo's head width to Mateo's head is directly correlated to ratio of Sanjay's width to Ranjit's width)

Where the hell did she come from? "Alejandra, you don't have to be in every photo!"

"Get off me, woman!"

It's the Peas, man !!!

It took a couple of tries but then he was all over the peas...
His first solid food seems to have gone down nicely.

The day the world changed...

the thirty seconds when Enzo discovered how his jumper worked...

Whatever it takes...

When he wants to nap - any place will do.

Under the Sun...

Lorenzo's first day on the beach...
He didn't like the bright sun, the hat, the sunblock and kept trying to get us back to the pool...

Cubavera at Ceviche House...

No trip to PR is complete without dinner at Ceviche...
Try the Formula Ceviche - it's to die for !

Swimming in Puerto Rico...

Enzo's first time in a pool...

After a day on the beach !

Marwaha Nap Squared...

Pimpin' in Puerto Rico...

Enzo and Dad pinkin' it up !!!

The best nap in the world...

Lorenzo and his cousin, Mateo, taking a mid-day snooze and hiding from Alejandra !!!

Moving pretty fast...

Hello all.

It's been quite some time since I last posted. Life intrudes and Enzo continues to entrance us with his escapades. I'm going to catch up with a series of picture-posts of some fun stuff we've been up to in the past couple of months...


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Bathtime is the right time...

The little guy loves his nightly bath.

Good Vibrations !

Enzo seems to like his vibrating rocker...

Playtime !

 Okay, what the hell is this?

Ha, I got this !

Back from a life interruption...

The rush of life and work has begun again in earnest after the holidays and I've been lax in posting photos of Little Juice aka Jugito. Here are a few gems from the recent archives.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Just because I love it...

Some of you may have seen this video - I love it - I guess he won't be a guest speaker at the Republican convention.