We just got back from the hospital.
Alejandra Teresa Randhawa Alvarez was born today. She weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces and is doing very well. Her mother is in good spirits - in main part thanks to the morphine. Her father is looking dazed and not a little confused. Yup, everything is back to normal !
The parents left for the hospital early this morning, late as is their habit for everything.
Pretty soon, they were admitted and Monica was prepped for the delivery. My wife and I had planned to find something inanely unrelated and enjoyable for granny to do that would keep her anxiety levels down and her spirits up.
Where else... but IKEA !!!
The joyous wonderland of commercialism proved to be an excellent distraction. We got the good news somewhere between lighting and rugs and then took instructions to be at the hospital for around 3pm.
We arrived in the ward at 3.16pm. I was getting sour looks from granny for the extra sixteen minutes but all was forgotten when everyone glimpsed the miracle in the crib.
A strange thing happened when I saw her. I realized that I can do this.
There is no more perfect a symbol of adulthood than having a child. An irrevocable step into a world of lesser cares to greater responsibility. The loss of self to a wholly larger and greater purpose.
My fear left me in that instant and was replaced with joy and enthusiasm.
I realized that I had been faking it all for the past few days. When my wife told me that she was pregnant, when she took all the tests - I had reacted as you are supposed to react - especially when you are 35 and have no excuse for not wanting a family. I even convinced myself that I wanted children and I was happy to be trying.
But that isn't a whole-hearted embrace. The whole-hearted embrace is when you see the child, the pains, the fears, the struggles, the sacrifices - all of that - and you accept them willingly with faith that the joy will be greater.
Alejandra took my fear from me.
Not bad for 6 pounds, 6 ounces !