Saturday, April 10, 2010

Baby talk!

Feeling a bit angry with myself right now.
It seems that everyone suddenly decided to start talking about babies. I don't normally mind that much - but right now, we have one on the way and we can't talk about it... Is omission lying? Hell, no, I'm Indian !!!
We arrived in San Juan just as Eileen's parents were leaving for Boston. we even met them in the lounge at the airport. The excitement was palpable and I felt a great warmth coming off the grandparents... those people that act like they don't want grandkids are playing you - they do, and they want them as soon as possible.

In the space of two days, the only people I talked to seemed to want to talk about kids. Even one of my best friends, Mike, was all baby-this, baby-that. I think I was bit short with him -probably for my own guilt at not telling him that we were expecting. (Mike, when you read this, sorry man!)

I have always suspected that the disconnect between couples with kids and couples without is something to do with vocabulary. The parents simply have discovered something that colors and shapes all of their experiences - they have accessed a new set of words with which to see and interact with the world. We, the offspringless, have no words that match with them.
I suspect that my friends are all waiting for me to join them so that they can communicate with me about what is important to them. I think that, without meaning to, childless people are unable to completely be friends to people who love and nurture their children. How can you sympathize or empathize with people completely when you have no understanding of their largest experience?

Something to consider.