Eileen went to her OBGYN this morning.
It was the first chance she got after our return from Boston. Puerto Rican waiting rooms being what they are, she advised that I wait in Starbucks...
She just called from the parking lot. It is confirmed. She is 6 weeks, 5 days pregnant and we have a due date of 2nd December 2010 !
Few comments...
1 How does her doctor know for sure that she is exactly that far along? Amazing that some enzyme or hormone is that singularly precise in all women to the same degree to be that exact... Will have to research, so that I can be just the right level of annoying in all future trips to the doctor.
2 This means that my kid is going to be a Sagittarius. The same as my wife and brother. Although my wife is nicely calm and softly spoken, my brother is excitable and raw in his opposition to whatever I say. I find myself torn on the subject of Sagitarrianism.
3 This puts our baby's birthday just after my wife's. This means that from around the beginning of October, I will have no peace.
- 1st October - start looking for anniversary present
- 28th October - Anniversary
- 29th October - start looking for wife's birthday present
- 2nd November - start looking for baby's birthday present
- 25th November - start looking for Christmas presents
- 28th November - wife's birthday
- 2nd December - baby's birthday
- 6th December - start looking for three king's presents
- 25th December - Christmas
- 6th January - Three King's Day
- Just for good measure - Valentine's Day follows...