Today brought us Ultrasound joy,
and the process did not annoy.
Went in with some nerves,
came out all averve,
because the tike is a ...
BOY !!!
Marwaha-Alvarez Advanced Prototype has been identified as a male child - from now on codenamed Sanchito... Naturally, we are delighted !
My mum is here in Boston with us and has tried to hide her excitement - she is not doing a good job. In Indian society, a boy is considered a special blessing (but those of you who have met me or my brother might disagree). She seems to be living it all vicariously through us.
Eileen's family, it turns out, has been running a book on what sex the baby will be. Apparently, Pablo had been first in insisting it would be a boy - claiming that the pictures identified the boy as being the next starting Quarterback for the Patriots...
I think some of the family might have feared a young girl would have inherited my size and Eileen's temper - the first female UFC fighter would have been on the way, i think.
Apparently, at eighteen weeks, it can be touch and go as to how certain you can be of sex. Sanchito wasn't having any of it, though, and gave us a real good shot of the meat and two veg to dispel all uncertainty.
Anyway, I will take some time tomorrow to upload some more Ultrasound pics - only the standard 2D ones I'm afraid. The little guy wouldn't hold still for long enough for us to get a good 3D shot of his face...
... it turns out, just like his dad, he likes to get naked and shake it !!!