So, the other day, I was floating around the mall trying to eat up time while Eileen checked every store in the mall for anything resembling quality pregnancy clothes. On my journey, I discovered something that I hadn't seen for some years and began quite a discussion and led us too far down a long road...
Looking into a small Arabic shop, I glanced a flash of purple coming from behind the counter. The colour and design must have jogged something, because I stepped in and closer to the counter. There, in a small fridge, was a can of Vimto! For those of you that don't know, Vimto is a drink that is very popular with Asian and Middle-Eastern communities and something that I grew up on in England.
I scrambled to pay the exorbitant price and then ran off to find a secluded spot in which to enjoy my treasure. Vimto is very much like Dr. Pepper. Not in taste, but in that it defies description - I challenge any of you to correctly identify the taste of Vimto...
After I had enjoyed my drink, I managed to catch up with Eileen. At that particular moment, she had been involved in a phone call with a relative and the subject of baby names came up. Still high from my discovery, I quite happily suggested that Vimto was a sensational name for a boy... The look that crossed her face was precious.
"I thought we agreed that the first name would be Latin." She asked me.
"Vimto's not Indian." I responded brightly.
"Oh. Where is it from?" She enquired.
"Erm... I actually don't know." I stumbled.
"Oh." she replied, unsure now what to say.
This was not going well at all and my little, bright joke was starting to back fire.
"Well," Eileen responded brightly, "we can add it to the list and consider it."
This was going too far and I had no intention of calling my son, Vimto.
"No, babe." I came back. "Forget it."
"No," she smiled. "if it's important to you, it goes on the list."
"It was a joke." I huffed. "It's the name of a drink."
"Oh." Her face told me she had guessed as much. "Well, let's be fair, we have to have a Puerto Rican drink too."
It took us half a second to both shout out "Pitoro" ! For those that remember, that was the devilish drink which put Mitul into a comatose state at my wedding and resulted in us wheeling him through the lobby of a five-star restaurant on a bellboy trolley.
That was the birth of the first of what is bound to be many ridiculous pseudonames for Baby Sanchito.
Remember where you heard the name first - Vimto Pitoro Marwaha Alvarez !
He will either be a big band leader or a world renowned Drug Smuggler...