It's been something of a long weekend.
Friday, we got our first positive - I think I told you about that one.
Saturday morning, Eileen completed the second test. The pink line appeared even faster this time, if that's possible, confirming the first test.
This morning, she sprung out of bed in a most un-Puerto Rican way and snatched up the test kit as she shot for the bathroom. By this time, the medically trained or more parentally-experienced of you will not be surprised to know that we had another positive result.
I am starting to think that these tests might just be quite accurate.
Of course, the amateur scientist in me (yes I studied A and S level Physics and Chemistry in school) is whispering that we could have a faulty batch of tests that were switched over in Lagos by some disreputable Nigerian Pregnancy Test smugglers. We need better confirmation !
Tomorrow we leave for Boston and a slightly different experience on our baby journey. Monica, my wife's sister. is going to give birth on the 7th of April.
Note: I asked how we can know this and was told to shut up and just accept it. I think she might be getting a C-section.
Question: Do people in the USA use C-Section rather than the full form Caeserean Section because:
a) The full form is too long and saying it would cut into important twittering time?
b) If they said it, someone might ask them to write it down and the risks of spelling such a word are too high?
c) The general populace might begin to think the process leads to the birth of a Roman Emperor and then everyone will want one?
So, it seems we are pregnant - even though both Eileen and I want to get a proper check up with the OBGYN. This is a hard decision. Do we:
a) Give wings to our excitement and share this with everyone in our lives? But this would undoubtedly cut into Monica's moment of becoming a mother, as she is due to give birth in just a week.
b) Stay quiet for a while? Holding back our joy until most everyone has had a chance to see Monica's kid and enjoy her for what she is - a tiny miracle.
No choice, really. ZIP IT !