My suspicions have been confirmed.
Glad to see that our logical plan of waiting one more day was stuck to so precisely. My wife dutifully completed our discussion, agreed wholeheartedly that we had made a good decision and then ignored all of it and went to buy a pregnancy test kit !
I have a picture of married couples huddled over a test, waiting patiently for the strip to change colour or the little pink line to appear in a window. That didn't happen to us. By the time she came out of the bathroom, it was already done and dusted. We have a positive !
By this time, I am an old hand at handling pee-sticks, but I still manage to look like a guy holding a cobra. (By the way, I have done that. Hold a cobra, that is, not pee on a stick.)
At this time, my excitable wife gets all casual and tells me not to get excited. It could be a false positive etc. She will do the other two tests over the next couple of days and we will make sure of the data. (That's right, she said 'data'.)
Glad she is being careful but not sure I like being portrayed as the giddy one in this picture !