We just got back from Boston and a joyous 9 days with our niece Alejandra. The flight was smooth and we were greeted warmly by a gust of 80 degree weather as we exited the airport. A simple 4 hour flight from the North East and we were out of the 30 degree 'Spring' of Boston !
The trip was very enjoyable.
We were there at Alejandra's birth only a couple of weeks before and it is astonishing how much she grew. Not just in size but in coordination, personality and ... manipulation. She very neatly is able to command the attention of between 5 and 8 adults with barely a turn of her head.
I can't say enough how proud I am of Monica and Ranjit. They seem to be handling everything pretty well and are not overly fussy or clingy. Probably, at this time some of you are saying, "Big deal! People have been having kids for ages and everyone just sucks it up and does it!"
I agree with you. The fact that I am proud of them does not diminish your own achievements in any way. In fact, any similarity in your own parenthood should be cause for your own pride in your success. Love, people! Don´t be haters!
Other events intruded during our trip. I began a discussion with an old colleague - a man I respect infinitely - which ended with an offer of a job. The enterprise is risky but if we can agree terms, I think I can make it work. Which will mean we will have to move up our timetable for return to the USA.
I am thinking it will be Boston. To all our NYC family - who are either cheering or sobbing right now - the choice is not easy. I think I will always be a NewYorker at heart but we have family in Boston, NYC is hard place to make a family work and still be close to the city, and Alejandra awaits us in Boston.
But don´t worry - as long as Paul Pierce is a Boston Celtic, there is little chance of me following the Celtics !
I know I can make Boston work for us. It´s a great city and I am sure we will be using PR more in the winter. As I have always said, as long as I have a volleyball court - I´ll be fine !
As my Jamaican teammates from Brixton Basketball would say - FORWARD BOSTON !