The process has begun again. The charts, the planning etc.
I am renewed in my determination to have kids. Aside from all of the dietary supplements that I know my wife will be sneaking into my food - I am looking for anything I can do to better our chances.
During our week long 'marathon for procreation' last month - I found myself flagging down the stretch. Like many professional athlete - I find myself considering performance enhancing drugs. A few short hours later and several hundred webpages behind me, I have decided to acquire some chemical help for 'Lil Sanj'.
I am surprised to discover that many of the web companies that deal in generic drugs in this area are based in India - which doesn't fill me with confidence. My over sensitive Indian heritage has me thinking that as soon as complete the checkout, some over-helpful customer service rep in India is going to call my mother in London and tell her that her son is buying Viagra !!!
Another two hours later, I managed to crawl back to my computer and back to the point of ordering again. The ordering procedure is simple and clear, although it asks you to make assumptions regarding the dosage for your pill. Since I am:
- Only using the pill to supplement me when I am really tired and worn out, and
- Terrorized by the thought of walking around with a tent-pole in my pants for 8 hours at a time...
Making an order for the smallest number of pills (20 pills), I discover that I get 4 extra free - isn't that neighborly? Prior to checkout, you are asked to fill out a medical declaration. This is one of the most contrived and obviously law-sidestepping forms I have ever seen.
Several questions are asked in a multiple choice format where the preferred answer is already ticked. If you attempt to change the answer, a pop-up comes up and tells you that if you choose this answer, they will not be able to sell you the drug !
After self-diagnosing myself as a healthy candidate for the little blue magic pill and engaging in what must be several acts of borderline unethical medicine - my order is made. Being committed to writing this blog as hinestly and openly as possible - stay tuned for the results !